kristenMar 30, 2020It's All in the Mind: An Interview with Nate Wolch, Mental Conditioning Coach Mental conditioning coach Nate Wolch explains his background, practice, and tips for accessing and strengthening your mental muscles.
kristenMar 23, 2020DistancingReflections on social distancing, and finding the ability to keep moving forward.
kristenJan 26, 2020How to Start RunningHow do you start running? These are my suggestions for getting out the door and starting a new running adventure.
kristenJan 20, 2020No Pressure: Finding My Run "Zen"Sometimes, running is tough. Finding my "zen" and not obsessing over run plans helped me get motivated to run again.
kristenOct 29, 2019Injured: A Mindset ResetBecoming injured was one of the best things to happen to me. It allowed me to rekindle my love of running and enjoy the process again.
kristenOct 22, 2019The Joy of Communal RunningCommunal running brings me most joy and helps me achieve my goals. Maybe it can help you too!